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Infor CloudSuite Distribution System Setup and Administration User Guide
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Setting up a company
Copying company information
Setting a starting GL journal number
Setting up a global phone number format
Setting up phone area code listings
Setting up matching tolerances for a company
Archiving and purging data
Setting up multilingual functionality
Setting up currency tables
Setting up Return Adjust Reasons
Setting up Unavailable Reason codes
Setting up scrap return type reason codes
Setting up sales order addons
Setting up a note category
Creating user-defined fields
Modifying order type descriptions
Setting up a profile
Importing personalization records
Identifying the system administrator
Setting up password controls
Setting up an operator record
Checking on an operator's status
Setting operator function security
Implementing security by division
Setting up an operator for sales or purchase order approval
Maintaining or deleting an operator record
Assigning a profile to a user
Maintaining an operator's authorization level
Granting or denying authority
Granting user access to restricted notes categories
Setting up operator security for Vendor Invoice Center Entry processing
Clearing user sessions using the SA Administration Operator Disconnect Report
Clearing user sessions with SA Connection Inquiry
Setting authorization point security for multiple operators
Assigning a printer group to a user
Assigning default print queues to a user
Limiting legacy hold codes a user can use in Sales Order Entry
Setting up role-based security
Creating a new security role
Copying an existing security role
Deleting a security role
Adding or modifying report schedules types
Creating a new report
Preventing printing of a report on demand
Setting up third-party forms printing
Enabling the Commercial Invoice Document
Setting up Delivery Document printing
Exporting metadata records in the cloud
Comparing metadata differences after an upgrade
Enabling report output to Dropbox
Setting up a printer in the system
Setting up a printer group
Deleting a printer group
Assigning printers to a group
Assigning a default printer to a user
Assigning a default forms printer to a user
Assigning a default receipt printer to a user
Setting up a warehouse group
Setting up Sales Warehouse functionality
Setting up a central distribution center (CDC)
Setting up an alternate product group
Implementing alternate product language descriptions
Setting cross-reference conversions for ION
Setting up product restriction functionality
Setting up a cut product process
Activating Catch Weight functionality
Business rules
Creating a business rule
Customizing a business rule template
Maintaining or deleting a business rule
Setting up business rules for 3PL processing
Setting up an Alternate Warehouse Invoice Report business rule
Setting up an Alternate Warehouse Lost Business Type business rule
Setting up an Alternate Warehouse SXAPI Operator business rule
Deactivating the required notes feature
Credit cards
Setting up credit card security
Setting up credit card defaults
Setting up the credit card processor
Setting up a credit card payment type tied to more than one bank account
Setting up a credit card payment type tied to one bank account
Setting up ACH payment types
Setting up credit card terms
Setting up ACH tokens
Setting up and associating multiple merchant IDs
Enabling Force Sale Management processing
Blocking creation of tokens at the customer level
Modifying credit card token information
Deleting a credit card token
Enabling manual rebate options
Activating an alternate rebate method
Setting up freight consolidation codes
Setting up freight rates for freight rate shopping
Setting up freight zones by postal code for freight rate shopping
Event management
Setting up or maintaining event triggers
Defining event actions
Creating an event
Copying events
Modifying events
Activating events
Inquiring on an Event Action
Deleting events
Deleting an event action definition
Deactivating an event
Activating the shipping notification event
Assigning operators to an Event Manager group
Removing an operator from an Event Manager group
Creating an Event Manager group
Deleting an Event Manager group
Activating the notification for receipt signature capture
Tax Interface
How to determine your tax interface setups
Defining your tax method and interface
Configuring your company for tax integration
Configuring table code values for tax interface
Configuring currency for tax interface
Configuring addons for tax interface
Setting up a Sales Use Tax master record
Setting up a Goods and Services Tax master record
Setting up a Value Added Tax master record
Configuring customer records for tax interface
Configuring warehouse records for tax interface
Configuring product records for tax interface
Configuring product lines for tax interface
Configuring warehouse product records for tax interface
Configuring vendor records for tax interface
Enabling the integration for tax interface
Setting up a tax exemption record
Setting up tax groups
Setting up VAT HMRC digital reporting
Report Scheduler
Configuring Report Scheduler
Viewing current Report Scheduler system loads
Purging Report Scheduler stored reports
Printing a list of stored reports
Report jobs
Creating a Report Scheduler job
Copying a report job group
Maintaining a Report Scheduler job
Adding components to a Report Scheduler job group
Maintaining components on a Report Scheduler job group
Viewing Report Scheduler job detail
Running a report job immediately
Changing the run date and time of a print job
Clearing the status of a report job
Printing a list of Report Scheduler job groups
Moving a Report Scheduler job to a different queue
Viewing backlogged Report Scheduler jobs
Stopping Report Scheduler job processing
Viewing the Report Scheduler log
Deleting a job in RS Activity Administration
Deleting a job in RS Job Group Setup
Report queues
Setting up a default report queue
Creating a report queue
Copying a report queue to create a new queue
Modifying a report queue
Changing the default queue for multiple report jobs
Activating or inactivating a report queue
Printing a list of report queues
Printing a list of Report Scheduler reports and their default queues
Sending a queue log file to Report Viewer
Changing a Report Scheduler queue log directory
Deleting a report queue
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