Setting up a certification or license record

Use Product Certifications/Licenses Setup to create and maintain records of certificates and licenses that are required for customers and shiptos to purchase products that have been restricted by government entities. Each record contains a restriction code. If a sales order line contains a restricted product that is only allowed with a certificate or license, Distribution SX.e uses the restriction code from a restricted product record to search for a certificate or license for the customer or shipto.

Use these instructions to create a certification or license record. You can add a note to the record using the Notes context widget.

  1. Select Product > Setup > Certification/License.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify the customer, and if applicable, the shipto.
  4. Specify the restriction code.
  5. Specify the start date, and if applicable, the expire date of the certificate or license.
  6. Specify the identification number of the certificate or license.
  7. Select the Active option if this record is active.
  8. Optionally, specify the name of the person that reviewed and validated the certificate or license and the date it was reviewed.
  9. Optionally, in the Authorized Licensee field, specify the person at the customer or shipto site that is authorized or certified to process or handle the product identified by the restriction code.
  10. Click Save.