Setting up tiers and preferences

You can classify stock keeping units, or SKUs, based on product tiers. For example, quality: Good, Better, Best. You can also classify SKUs based on preferences. For example, location priority: 1st-Main whse, 2nd-South whse, 3rd-North whse. We recommend limiting tiers and preferences to three or four categories with meaningful and discernible levels. Assign a tier, a tier group, and a preference to a product.

  1. Select System Administrator > Setup > Table Code Value.
  2. Select Product Tier.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In Tier, specify a tier name.
  5. In Description, specify a short description of the tier.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps to add three or four tiers.
  8. Select Product Preference.
  9. Click Create.
  10. In Preference, specify a preference name.
  11. In Description, specify a short description of the preference.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Repeat steps to add three or four preferences.
  14. Select Product > Setup > Product.
  15. Select a product and drill down to display the product record.
  16. In the General view, in the Category section, select a tier and specify a Tier Group.

    The Tier Group is a freeform field with no validation. It is key to using this feature. Only products with a tier, and in the same tier group, display in the CPQ context widget. Each product you assign using this feature must have a Tier Group value assigned.

  17. Click Save.
  18. Repeat steps to assign a tier and tier group to products.
  19. Select Product > Setup > Warehouse Product.
  20. Select the same product and drill down to display the product warehouse record.
  21. In the General view, select a Preference.
  22. Click Save.