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Infor CloudSuite Distribution Products User Guide
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Setting up products and product lines
Adding a new product line
Adding warehouse records
Adding a new product record
Setting up labor products
Setting up core products
Creating a product note
Copying a product record
Copying a warehouse product record
Deleting a product record
Creating a warehouse product from a catalog product
Assigning alternate vendors to a product
Setting up an alternate warehouse
Managing NCNR products
Managing surplus stock
Excluding a product from automatic vendor repricing
Setting up a certification or license record
Setting up a product restriction record
Setting up products for product configurator
Setting up multiple records for special price/cost products
Setting up a Catch Weight product
Product defaults
Defining a country of origin
Defining an ECCN code
Defining Incoterms and freight terms
Setting up tariff rates
Enabling expanded product numbers
Printing an expanded product number in reports
Assigning an alternate product group to a stock or catalog product
Setting up a product sourcing restriction record
Setting Up ABC Stratification and ranking logic
Implementing ABC Stratification
Setting up environmental handling fees
Setting up environmental handling fee exemptions
Creating an MSDS sheet
Printing an MSDS sheet
Cut/dimensional products
Setting up products for dimensional cutting
Setting up products for linear cutting
Maintaining a linear cut record
Creating lot cut pieces manually
Tiers and preferences
Setting up tiers and preferences
Setting up for tiers and preferences usage and replenishment
Tally products
Tally bundle product setup
Setting up a tally product
Setting up and maintaining a tally bundle ID
Adjusting product levels
Adjusting product levels
Adjusting usage for seasonal products
Adjusting usage for stocked-out products
Managing products with exceptional usage
Overriding lead time
Reserving stock for customers
Entering a manual warehouse transfer
Evaluating inventory using ABC Stratification
Returning or transferring surplus stock
Overriding allocated product amounts on an order
Removing damaged products from unavailable inventory
Importing products
Setting up Product Import
Setting up import definitions for Product Import
Setting up new product defaults for Product Import
Setting up price cost multipliers for Product Import
Importing product records
Creating product records from an import file
Editing data for product import
Excel spreadsheet formatting for a manual product list
Transferring local import files to a shared file system
Serial and lot products
Setting up serial and lot products
Creating a Character Removal record
Recording serial numbers
Recording lot numbers
Removing characters from serial numbers
Scanning serial numbers
Cross-referenced products
Setting up an alternative or reference product cross-reference record
Setting up a customer product cross-reference record
Setting up a vendor product cross-reference record
Assigning alternate vendors to a product
Reactivating order as needed-nonstock products
Setting up a non-specific unit conversion
Setting up a product-specific unit conversion
Nonstock products
Monitoring nonstock products in the warehouse
Converting a single nonstock product to a stocked product
Converting a nonstock product to an OAN nonstock
Converting multiple nonstock products to a stocked product
Adjusting or correcting NS/DO transactions
Adjusting nonstock product broken ties
Creating a catalog product from a nonstock order in Sales Order Entry
Using Event Manager to manage nonstock inventory
Excluding a catalog product from automatic vendor repricing
Bulk delivery products
Managing bulk products
Implementing the Bulk Delivery module
Updating storage tank quantities
Replenishing bulk delivery storage devices
Entering an order for a bulk delivery product
Managing the bulk delivery process
Recording bulk deliveries
Updating TWL for bulk delivery orders
Product lists
Creating a product list in Product List Setup
Maintaining a product list in Product List Setup
Creating a product list in Product Setup or Product Warehouse Product Setup
Maintaining a product list in Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup
Deleting a product list
Creating a forecast
Adding products to a forecast
Importing a forecast
Activating an inactive forecast
Exporting a forecast
Inactivating a forecast
Deleting a forecast
LIFO/FIFO valuation
Setting up the base year LIFO valuation
Setting up LIFO layer records
Implementing cartonization
Manually assigning products to cartons
Manually assigning a nonstock to a carton
Changing automatically assigned cartons
Deleting cartons on a sales order or warehouse transfer
Automatically assigning cartons in the Cartonization Center
Manually combining sales orders or transfers for shipment
Shipping cartons
Unshipping or staging cartons
Printing labels in the Cartonization Center
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