Configuration of the Account maps

There are two account maps that must be updated with your company's account code structure as defined on the GL Account Setup screen in Distribution SX.e. When these files are updated, you must upload them into the raw source space.

The glaccountmap.csv contains the account map of your balance sheet accounts, and their associated Object ID numbers used in Birst.

This table shows the format of the glaccountmap.csv with sample balance sheet account records. The actual .csv file, when first accessed, is empty and contains only the column headings.
cono objectid gldivno gldeptno glacctno glsubno accttype gltitle
1 0100BAGAAP 00 00 1200 00 A Accounts Receivable - Trade
1 K044GAAP 00 00 1400 00 A Inventory
1 0270BAGAAP 00 00 1640 00 A Furniture & Equipment
0200BLGAAP 00 00 2000 00 L Notes Payable
This table shows the format of the placcountmap.csv with sample profit and loss account records. The actual .csv file, when first accessed, contains only the column headings.
objectid cono gldivno gldeptno glacctno glsubno accttype gltitle
00110PIEGAAP 1 00 00 4000 00 I Sales
00111PIEGAAP 1 00 00 5000 00 E Cost of Goods Sold
11042PEGAAP 1 00 00 5030 00 E Inventory Adjustments

After you upload your glaccountmap and placcountmap, you must update the CSV files in a spreadsheet application, such as Excel, with your Balance Sheet accounts and Profit and Loss accounts. Every account should be added. If you do not add an account to these maps, they are not loaded into Birst. As with the glsahierarchy and plhierarchy files, you must assign an ObjectID to each account. Use the same ObjectID for the same account in both the hierarchy and the account maps.

Note: To expedite the population of your glaccountmap and placcountmap files, you can use Birst Visualizer to pull the list of all accounts from the GLSA table. Select these columns from GLSA: cono, gldivno, gldeptno, glacctno, and glsubno. Export this data to Excel and then assign the ObjectID to each account. Then you can paste the data from the Excel file into your glaccountma.csv and placcountmap.csv files.

See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide for instructions for uploading your hierarchy and account maps.