On Your Radar for a Buyer
This widget is used to focus on addressing and managing purchase activity that requires immediate attention. The widget comprises of these matrices:
- : This matrix displays the number of urgent tasks. The count includes the Inventory Stockout, Broken Ties, Vendor Contracts expiring within 30 days. The urgent tasks are based on the creation date of the tasks, where current day's tasks are considered as a priority.
- : This matrix displays the number of orders for which the delivery due date is already completed.
- Note: The number of expected receipts on the widget is different from that on the review screen, due to differences in the filtering of header and line level dates.
: This matrix displays the
number of expected receipts for which the due date is in the next seven days from the
current date. The predicted date is determined based on the history. The AI analyzes the
past data and trends for each vendor to predict the expected receipts.
- : This matrix displays the number of purchase orders for which the approval is pending.
- You can click the matrix to view the data related to these tasks in the widget.
- The maximum number of records displayed in each matrix is 250. If the number of records exceed 250, the count is displayed as 250+.