Entering an issue for a nonstock product
- Select Issues & Returns > Issue.
- Complete the fields in the header section.
- Click NonStock.
Specify this information:
- Product
Specify the name of the nonstock.
- Description | Description 2
Specify a description of the nonstock.
- Requested
Specify the requested quantity.
- Distributor Cost
Specify your cost for the product.
- Price
Specify the price of the product. You can click Retrieve Price calculate the price of the product based on PD Pricing Setup records in Distribution SX.e. If you specify a vendor, you must also specify a product line to retrieve the correct price.
- Unit
Specify the unit of measure for the nonstock.
- Promise Date
Specify the date that you can ship the nonstock. The default date is the promise date from the header, but you can change it.
- Taxable
Select this option if the nonstock is taxable.
- Create Purchase Order
This option is selected by default. When it is selected, the sales order is tied to a purchase order. You must specify the vendor and, optionally, a product line.
Clear Create PO to include the nonstock in the standard Distribution SX.e replenishment process. It will be included on the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report.
- Create Direct Order
Select this option to ship the nonstock product to your customer directly from the vendor or warehouse from which you source the nonstock product.
- Create Warehouse Transfer
Select this option to tie the order to a warehouse transfer.
- Vendor
Specify the vendor to obtain the nonstock from. If you are creating the purchase order to source the nonstock, this value is required.
- From Warehouse
Specify the warehouse from which to source the nonstock. If a default value is displayed, it is from the Storeroom Warehouse Transfer Authorized Replenishment Path Warehouse field in Product Warehouse Description Setup-Storeroom. You can override the default value if you have the correct security.
This field is only displayed when you create warehouse transfer.
- Product Line
Specify the product line for the nonstock. This field is not displayed when you create a warehouse transfer.
- Ship Via
Specify the preferred shipping method. The default value is for the warehouse on the issue.
If you tie the sales order to a WT, the Ship Via field is updated with the ship via method from the source warehouse record. If you tie the sales order to a PO, the Ship Via field is updated with the ship via method from the vendor record. You can override the setting.
- Department
Specify the department to which the nonstock will be issued. If a value was specified in the header, the same value is displayed on the line. You can change the value or clear the field.
- Machine
Specify the machine to which the nonstock will be issued. If a value was specified in the header, the same value is displayed on the line. You can change the value or clear the field.
- General Ledger Account
Specify a GL account number for this transaction. The GL account pertains to the customer’s GL system. It is not used for GL postings in Distribution SX.e.
- Comments
Provide a comment for the nonstock line.
- Click Add.
Click Finish to submit the issue, or click Draft to submit the issue later.
If you submit the order, then the sales order number and the tied purchase order or warehouse transfer number are displayed.
To fill the back order that was created for the nonstock, you must receive the nonstock in Receipts.
See Filling backorders.