Importing issues and returns
You can import a list of issues into Storeroom instead of entering them manually. These can be issues from another ERP system, or from a hand-held scanning device or vending machine. After the data is created in a comma-separated value (CSV) file, you can use the Import function in to import the file into Storeroom.
After you import data, you can review it, make changes, delete lines, and then validate it. After all changes are made to each line, you can either validate the lines, or submit and validate the data in one step. When you submit the data to Distribution SX.e, sales orders or return merchandise sales order (OE RM) are created.
If you import an issue with a warehouse that uses the auto-ship workflow, the sales order is created in the shipped stage. If you import an issue with a warehouse that uses the maintenance workflow, the sales order is created in the ordered stage. The order then is available for editing in the Maintenance function.
During the submission process, all records are reviewed. If the values for these data elements are identical, a single order is created for those records:
Any records with a different combination of values are created as separate orders. The requested quantities of line items with the same warehouse and product number are totaled and compared to the product’s available quantity in the system. If there is not enough quantity available for all products on the import, those records are flagged with a quantity available error.
If an imported line has a negative quantity available and an issued quantity of zero, the line validates and results in a back order . If the issued quantity is greater than zero upon initial import, you can change the issued quantity to zero and then validate the line to clear the error.
Error can also occur if the Employee or Department limits, such as Daily $ Limit, or Trans $ Limit, are exceeded.