Entering an issue for a stock product
Use these instructions to enter an issue in Storeroom. After you submit the issue, you can verify the sales order in Sales Order Inquiry.
You can submit the issue when you create it. You can also save the issue as a draft and submit it later. See Saving issues and returns as drafts.
To enter a nonstock product, see Entering an issue for a nonstock product.
- Select Issues & Returns > Issue Entry.
Specify a value for these and other fields in the header section.
- Issue Type
- Select Issue.
- Warehouse
- Specify the warehouse from which to issue the product. This setting is required.
- The warehouses that are available are based on the allowed warehouses on your Employee record. You can only enter issues for products in allowed warehouses.
- Employee #
- Specify your employee number or the employee to
whom you are issuing the product. The amount of the issue is used to
calculate the daily and monthly totals for the employee. If the View Price option is selected on the
employee record, the price of each product on the issue is displayed.
This field is not available if Limit Issue Employee Selection is selected on your Employee record.
- Department
- Specify the department to which you are issuing the product. Depending on the warehouse or employee record, a default value might update the field, but you can override it.
- The departments that are available are based on your Employee record or, if you specified an employee number, the allowed departments on that employee’s record.
- Customer PO
- Specify the customer’s purchase order number that is associated with this issue.
- Requested Ship Date
- Specify the date that the customer requested the order to be shipped. The default value is the current date. When you use the maintenance workflow, the requested ship date can be used to print pick tickets using the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report in Distribution SX.e. When you use the auto-ship workflow, the requested ship date does not affect issue processing.
- Promise Date
- Specify the date that you can ship the order. The default value is the current date. When you use the maintenance workflow, the promise date can be used to print pick tickets using the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report in Distribution SX.e. When you use the auto-ship workflow, the promise date does not affect issue processing.
- Machine
- Specify the machine that is associated with the issue.
- Project
- Specify the project that is associated with the issue.
- Work Order #
- Specify the work order number that is associated with the issue.
- Optionally, provide a note. Clear the Print option to prevent it from printing on the pick ticket or invoice..
- Click Next.
To add a product to the issue:
- Specify the customer or distributor product number in the Customer Product field.
- Specify the requested quantity.
Optionally, change the issued quantity.
The issued quantity is automatically calculated.
See Back orders.
When the requested and issued quantity are equal but exceed the available quantity, you can force ship the amount issued.
See Force shipping.
If requested quantity is greater than the net available quantity, then the
Back Order window is displayed. Click
Yes to create a
back order. Click No to record the
transaction as lost business.
If the issued quantity is greater than zero but less than the requested quantity, click No to issue the available quantity and record the remaining unavailable quantity as lost business.
If the product is a lot-controlled product:
- Click Lots.
- Click the lookup in the Lot # field to select an existing lot numbers.
- Specify a quantity and then click Add.
- Click OK after you entered the expected amount.
If the product is a serial-controlled product:
- Click Serials.
- Specify a new or existing serial number, and then click
If serial numbers are assigned during receiving, then click the lookup in the Serial # field to select existing serial numbers. If serial numbers are assigned at sale, then specify the serial number in the Serial # field.
- Click OK after you have entered the expected amount.
- Optionally, specify Department and Machine values. If a value was specified in the header, the same value is displayed on the line. You can change the value or clear the field.
- Specify a Charge #, if applicable.
- Change the Taxable option, if applicable.
- Optionally, specify values for user-defined fields that were set up for the warehouse.
- Optionally, provide a comment.
If you created a back order, you can source the unavailable
quantity from a vendor or another warehouse.
- Select the line, and then click Sourcing.
- To source the product from vendor, select Purchase Order in the Sourcing field, and then specify the vendor.
- To source the product from warehouse, select Warehouse Transfer and then specify the warehouse.
- To ship the product directly to the customer from the warehouse or vendor, select Direct Order.
- Click OK.
- Click Add.
To view the pick ticket for the issue, click Pick Ticket.
To print the pick ticket, click Print Pick Ticket. The pick ticket is printed on a printer that is available through your web browser.
Click Finish to submit the issue, or click Draft to submit the issue later.
If you submit the order, then the sales order number and the tied purchase order or warehouse transfer number are displayed.