Receiving warehouse transfers

If Auto Receive Warehouse Transfer When Shipped in Product Warehouse Description Setup is selected for the receiving warehouse, warehouse transfers are shipped and automatically received in a single step in Storeroom WT Ship/Receive.

If the option is not selected, you must manually receive the transfer after it is shipped.

See Shipping a warehouse transfer in Storeroom.

If a warehouse transfer contains serial- or lot-controlled product, the auto-receive function is disabled for that transfer. The warehouse transfer must be shipped and received in separate transactions.

When the warehouse transfer includes a serial-controlled product, the Serials button is always available even when serial number assignment is not required. If you do not assign serial numbers when required, an error indicating that you have not fully allocated serial numbers is displayed.

For a summary of serial number assignment requirements, see Assigning and tracking serial and lot numbers during replenishment.

If the receipt quantity is changed during receiving, an exception is created that must be managed in Transfer Exception Receipts Entry in Distribution SX.e.

Note: Products that are manually transferred from one Storeroom warehouse to another through Inventory Movement Transfer are posted as customer-owned or distributor-owned inventory movement transactions. Manual transfers are not considered warehouse transfers and do not have to be received.