Requested Ship Date and Promise Date
When you create an issue, the current date is displayed in the Requested Ship Date and Promise Date fields in the header. The requested ship date represents the date that the customer requested the order to be shipped. The promise date represents the date that you can ship the order. You can change one or both dates. The dates from the header are the default values at the line level. You can override the promise date on nonstock lines, but you cannot override dates for individual stock product lines.
After you submit an issue, you can view the requested ship date, promise date, and original promise date in Sales Order Inquiry. The original promise date was the promise date for the order when it was initially submitted. This date cannot be modified. The header-level dates for the sales order are listed in the Key Order Dates section on the Totals tab. The promise date is also listed in the Summary section on the Overview tab. The dates for a line are listed on the Extended tab of the Line Detail page.
When you use the maintenance workflow, you can change the dates when you maintain the order. You can change one of both dates in the header and the promise date on nonstock lines. When you override the promise date for a nonstock line, the requested ship date for the line is updated to equal the promise date. The requested ship date for a nonstock line is not displayed in Storeroom.
When you change a date in the header, the Flush Requested Shipping and Promised Dates window is displayed when you submit the order. Select All lines to update the dates for all lines on the order, including nonstock lines. Select Stock Lines Only to only update the dates for lines with stock product.
When you use the maintenance workflow, you can use the requested ship date or promised date to print the pick tickets at the appropriate time using stored Sales Entry Pick Ticket Report.
See the Distribution SX.e online documentation.
When you use the auto-ship workflow, the header dates do not affect issue processing.