JSON file structure

This table shows the keys that are required for the JSON file.

Key Required value
company Yes
customer Yes
warehouseKey Yes
employeeKey Conditional

Required if Employee Required is selected on the warehouse record

departmentHeaderKey Conditional

Required if Department Required is selected on the warehouse record

workOrder Conditional

Required if Work Order Required is selected on the employee record

project Conditional

Required if Project Required is selected on the employee record

machineKey Conditional

Required if Machine Required is selected on the warehouse record or employee record

erpItemKey Conditional

Either the ERP or customer product number is required, but you can include both.

If the erpItemKey, or Distribution SX.e product, is associated with active and inactive customer product records, inactive records do not cause an error during import processing. The inactive records are ignored if an active record is available.

promiseDate No
requestedQty Yes
issuedQty Yes


departmentLineKey No
customerItemKey Conditional

Either the ERP or customer product number is required, but you can include both. Ensure that the customer product record is active. An inactive product will cause an error during import.

inventoryType No

This value is used for returns. Do not provide a value.



If Use Defaults in Entries is selected on the warehouse record, these values are replaced by the default values from the warehouse record during issue creation:
  • Employee
  • Department: Header and line levels
  • Work Order
  • Project
  • Machine: Header and line levels
For example, if a default department is defined for the warehouse, it overrides the imported values in the departmentHeaderKey and DepartmentLineKey fields. If a default employee is also defined, the default department from the Employee record is used.

JSON file example

"company": "2112", 
"customer": "21120",
"warehouseKey": "SR01",
"employeeKey": "2164", 
"departmentHeaderKey": "main",
"workOrder": "wo1", 
"project": "proj1", 
"machineKey": "machine1", 
"erpItemKey": "21120-200", 
"promiseDate": "10/30/2021", 
"requestedQty": 1,
"issuedQty": "1", 
"chargeNumber": "chg1",
"departmentLineKey": "Shipping", 
"customerItemKey": "Stock-200", 
"inventoryType": "", 
"machineLineKey": "m8" 