Creating an employee record

  1. Select Setup > Employee.
  2. Click Search to view all existing employee records.
  3. Click New.
  4. Specify this information:
    Employee ID
    Specify a unique alpha-numeric identification for the employee.
    First Name
    Specify the first name of the employee.
    Last Name
    Specify the last name of the employee.
    Specify an email address for the employee.
    The settings on the employee record are only applicable if you specify the email address that the employee, or user, uses to sign in to Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le .
    Select this option if the individual is an employee of the distributor, and then specify the employee’s Distribution SX.e user ID in the ERP Operator field. This value is stored on all transactions created by the employee in Storeroom. It is also used to verify employee security for Distribution SX.e functions that are initiated using SX.API calls from Storeroom.

    In Distribution SX.e, verify that the function security levels on each employee’s SA Operator Setup record are set appropriately.

    Optionally, select this option to assign supervisor status to the employee.
    Default Department
    Optionally, specify a default department. The default department must be an allowed department.
    Default Warehouse
    Optionally, specify a default warehouse. The default warehouse must be an allowed warehouse.
    Limit Issue Employee Selection
    Select this option to prevent the employee from specifying a different employee on a new issue. This option overrides the default employee that is specified on Storeroom Warehouse records.
  5. To restrict the employee to certain departments, click Allowed Departments.
    If you assigned a default department in the Details tab, the default department must be one of the allowed departments. If you do not specify additional allowed departments, you are not required to specify the default department on this tab.
  6. To restrict the employee to certain warehouses within the customer’s company, click Allowed Warehouses.
    If you specified a default warehouse in the Details tab, the default warehouse must be one of the allowed warehouses. If you do not specify additional allowed warehouses, you are not required to specify the default warehouse on this tab.
  7. To define price and transaction limitations and requirements for the employee, click Options and then specify this information:
    View Price

    Select this option to enable the employee to view the price of products on transactions in Storeroom. To include the price of products on pick tickets, you must also select the Print Price on Pick Ticket option.

    The employee must specified on issues or returns to view the prices.

    Print Price on Pick Ticket

    Select this option to include the product prices on pick tickets for transactions that are associated with the employee, such as issues. The View Price option must also be selected.

    If an employee is not specified on an issue, product prices are included on pick tickets if Pick Print Price in Customer Setup-Ordering is selected.

    Allow Override of $ Limits
    Select this option to enable the employee to exceed all limit amounts, such as the Daily $ Limit Amt, that are specified in this tab. When the employee exceeds a limit amount, a warning is displayed but the employee can submit the issue.
    Allow Backorder

    Select this option to enable backorder creation when insufficient quantities of either customer-owned or distributor-owned inventory are available to fill the order.

    $ Limit Amt

    To specify a limit amount, select the option and then specify the amount.

    Amounts are calculated by multiplying the issued quantity by the price or cost of the product. If the product is distributor-owned, the price is used. If the product is customer-owned, the cost is used. If a return is processed, the employee’s current daily limit amount is decreased by the return amount.

    Project Required, Work Order Required, and Machine Required
    Select an option to require the employee to specify the corresponding value in the header section of applicable transactions.
  8. To assign supervisors to the employee:
    1. Click Supervisors.
    2. Click the lookup icon.
    3. Select one or more supervisors.
    4. Click the Close icon.
    If you selected multiple supervisors, the supervisor that is assigned Priority 0 is the highest-level supervisor. To change the priority of the supervisors:
    1. Click Change Order.
    2. Select a supervisor, and then click Up or Down to change the priority.
    3. Click Back to Remove Mode.
  9. Click Submit.