Assigning serial numbers to orders during shipping
A serial product is a stock item that has a unique identification number that is used to track it from manufacturing to its final sale to the customer. The serial number can be assigned to the product at any stage in the process, from receipt to shipping. If Force Serial/Lot Input in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is selected, you must specify serial numbers in Sales Order Entry. If serial numbers are not assigned in Sales Order Entry, the product is picked without regard to serial numbers. You must then assign the serial numbers during shipping before the order can be invoice processed.
Sales orders with serial products that are tied to a non-direct warehouse transfer can also require serial number assignment during shipping. If you select Require Serials at Shipping in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, serial number assignment for non-direct warehouse transfers tied to a sales order is required when the order is shipped in Sales Entry Shipping Feedback Report. The tied sales order is automatically shipped after the serial numbers are assigned. This option can only be selected if the Require Serials on non-Direct WTs option is selected.
The Serial Number Entry field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings determines how you select serial numbers.