Warehouse transfer processing flow
Shipping warehouse
The shipping warehouse is also called the ship from warehouse.
Transfer Entry: Stage 0-Entered and Stage
A transfer is manually entered in Transfer Entry, created through the WT RRAR process, or created in Sales Order Entry as a source document. The transfer moves from Stage 0 to Stage 1 if one of these conditions is met:
- The authorized replenishment path (ARP) was followed
- The operator entering the warehouse transfer has the correct security
If the transfer remains in Stage 0, it must be approved to advance to Stage 1.
Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer
Report: Stage 2-Picked
When a transfer is printed, inventory is on order in the receiving warehouse and committed in the shipping warehouse.
Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry: Stage
When a warehouse transfer is shipped, inventory is on order in the receiving warehouse and in transit in the shipping warehouse. The General Ledger and Inventory Control balances are updated.
Receiving warehouse
The receiving warehouse is also called the ship to warehouse.
Transfer Pre-Receiving Report: Stage
Products can be set aside to fill back orders and direct orders. Use pre-receiving to generate receiver numbers and recommended bin assignments. This is an optional stage.
Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry: Stage
When a transfer is received, inventory is on hand in the receiving warehouse. Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry updates balances in General Ledger and Inventory Control. Use the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report to fill back orders. You can interchange this step with the next step.
- Transfer Exception Receipt
Entry: Stage 5-Exception
A transfer is moved to Stage 5 if the quantity received did not equal the quantity shipped and an exception receipt has been created. Use Transfer Exception Receipt Entry to correct the Inventory Control and General Ledger balances. You can interchange this step with the previous step.