Manually shipping orders with restricted products

All active lines on orders to be shipped in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry are re-validated against product restriction records. This includes lines that are not lost business, not set to restriction override, and contain quantity to ship. If a product restriction applies to the order, you cannot ship the order until the restricted product is removed or the restriction is overridden in Sales Order Entry. You cannot perform line level editing in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. You must maintain the order in Sales Order Entry.

The orders are validated against the product restriction records regardless of the shipping method. You can use Quick Ship, or select the order in the grid and then click Ship/Unship. If you ship multiple orders from the grid, the orders with errors do not ship.

Note:  You can run the Sales Pre-Invoice Exceptions Report to determine which orders contain product restriction errors. Use this information to correct the errors in Sales Order Entry before shipping, or invoice processing. Exceptions for product sales restrictions that are generated by this report are displayed in Sales Invoicing Exception Inquiry. The orders with an ‘OERX’ function can be corrected.

Only orders that are manually shipped are re-validated against product restriction records. Orders shipped through auto shipping functions, such as the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report, TWL, or the shipping interface, are not validated.