WT Receiving

Use the WT Receiving window to receive a warehouse transfer, allocate its content to warehouse stock, and flag discrepancies on a handheld device .

This window corresponds to the WTEI window in Distribution SX.e.

  1. In WM Mobile, select Receiving > WT Receiving.
  2. On the Open Journal window, specify this information:
    Post Date
    Specify a post date for the journal.
    Optionally, specify a period for the journal.
    Optionally, specify a debit amount for the journal.
    Optionally, specify a credit amount for the journal.
  3. On the WT Receiving window, specify this information:
    Warehouse Transfer #
    Specify a warehouse transfer number.
    Received Date
    Optionally, specify a received date.
    Ignore Lead Time
    Optionally, select this check box to ignore the lead time in the search results.
    Line Search Method
    Optionally, select Product or Line.
  4. Click Search.
    Note: To go directly to a line, specify a product in the Product field and click Search.
  5. Select a purchase order and click Search.
  6. To receive the warehouse transfer, click Full Receipt.
    A message is displayed that the transfer has been received in full.
  7. To complete the transfer and close the journal, click Final Update.
  8. Specify this information:
    This check box is selected by default. Do not clear this check box.
    Receipt Printer
    Select a printer for the receipt.
    Ticket Printer
    Select a printer for the ticket.
    Pick Ticket Print Order
    Select Order or Route.
  9. Click OK.
    A message is displayed that the final update is completed and the journal is closed.