WT Receiving
Use the WT Receiving window to receive a warehouse transfer, allocate its content to warehouse stock, and flag discrepancies on a handheld device .
This window corresponds to the WTEI window in Distribution SX.e.
- In WM Mobile, select Receiving > WT Receiving.
On the Open Journal window, specify this
- Post Date
- Specify a post date for the journal.
- Period
- Optionally, specify a period for the journal.
- Debit
- Optionally, specify a debit amount for the journal.
- Credit
- Optionally, specify a credit amount for the journal.
On the WT Receiving window, specify this
- Warehouse Transfer #
- Specify a warehouse transfer number.
- Received Date
- Optionally, specify a received date.
- Ignore Lead Time
- Optionally, select this check box to ignore the lead time in the search results.
- Line Search Method
- Optionally, select Product or Line.
Click Search.
Note: To go directly to a line, specify a product in the Product field and click Search.
Select a purchase order and click Search.
- To view extended details, click Extended. Any updates that you have made are displayed on the Extended Information window.
- To update lot items, see Updating lot items for a product in a warehouse transfer.
- To update serialized items, see Updating a serialized product in a warehouse transfer.
- To update bin locations for a warehouse product, see Updating bin locations for a warehouse product for receiving.
- To cancel all receiving work that has been performed, click Cancel Receiving Work.
To receive the warehouse transfer, click Full
A message is displayed that the transfer has been received in full.
- To complete the transfer and close the journal, click Final Update.
Specify this information:
- Update
- This check box is selected by default. Do not clear this check box.
- Receipt Printer
- Select a printer for the receipt.
- Ticket Printer
- Select a printer for the ticket.
- Pick Ticket Print Order
- Select Order or Route.
Click OK.
A message is displayed that the final update is completed and the journal is closed.