Reviewing production schedules for VA work orders
These instructions are for accessing the work order production schedules in PS Schedule Entry. You must have access to PS Schedule Entry (acronym: pses) in SA Operator Setup-Function Security.
You must also complete the steps to implement Production Scheduling.
- Create or maintain a Value Add work order in VA Order Entry or Sales Order Entry with labor lines in an Internal process (IS) or Inspection (IN) section.
- Select .
- In the Production Scheduling grid, all active work orders with labor lines in Internal process (IT) and Inspection (IS) sections are displayed. Drill down on detail for each production date to view all production lines planned for that date. A production line equates to all VA work order IT or IS sections with labor lines for that production date. For each production line, drill down to view the sales orders tied to that work order, and further, for each order, the related work order number.