Setting up a product for VA assembly
- Select Product > Setup > Product.
- In the VA Assembly Type field, select the primary assembly item type, either Presetor Configurable.
- If the product is a component item and requires a cutoff factor, specify the length in the VA Cutoff Length field.
- In the VA Cutoff Unit field, specify the unit of measure for the cutoff length. Leave this field blank to use the item’s stocking unit of measure.
If necessary, set up component items.
Note: Configurable assembly-type items may be built with stock or non-stock components. For stock components, the component line items must be non-assembly items (the VA Assembly Type field is set to Not Assembly). They may be of variable length; that is, the product has a VA Cutoff Length and VA Cutoff Unit assigned in Product Setup and the Variable Length Component field selected in VA Product Defaults Setup.
If none of the components for a Preset assembly-type item are variable length items, use standard VA processing. The benefit of a Preset item is the ability to have the system calculate the component length using the VA Cutoff Length from Product Setup and the component quantity and scrap factor from VA Product Defaults Setup to determine the quantity needed for the order.
- Select Value Add > Setup > Product Defaults.
Set up the primary product defaults:
- For Configuration assembly-type items, select the Assembly view and set up the segment assembly for the primary product. Specify the size and character-type for each segment and any validation and rule processing.
- Select the Line Items view and add the component line items. You can add component line items, such as stock items, using the standard VA template; however, for Configuration assembly-type items, you can add components with variable segments in the product. Configuration-type lines include a bracketed placeholder, [x], where x is a segment number, which makes the segment variable. To include this type component, select Configuration in the Line Type field and specify the product with the segment placeholder, for example ItemA[2]. During Sales Order Entry, the product’s bracketed placeholder [2] is replaced with the segment value entered for segment number 2 on the Assembly Segment Configuration window.
- Select the Sections view and add component labor products, including variables for calculating labor.