Value Add labor charges
For VA products fabricated in-house, you can record the time spent on the fabrication. When a VA order is created, a labor product, or products, can be added as a line in the internal process or inspection sections of the VA order.
Estimated labor charges can be specified when you set up the labor product in VA Product Setup. They can also be specified when labor is entered on a Value Add work order in VA Order Entry, or when a work order is tied to a sales order line in Sales Order Entry. This estimated labor is stored in a separate estimated labor field at the line and header level. The estimated value includes the units and unit charges.
After the work is finished, you can record the actual labor time in VA Internal Labor Time Entry. You can also update the work order’s actual labor time in VA Receipt of Inventory Entry. The Update Section shows both the estimated labor time, cost per unit, and total and actual labor time, cost per unit, and total. Labor charges are calculated automatically based on the time specified. The charges are accumulated on the VA order header. If labor charges were estimated for the VA order when it was created, once time is recorded in VA Internal Labor Time Entry, the labor charges on the are updated from estimated to actual.
In VA Order Inquiry-Labor Detail Inquiry, you can view the estimated and actual labor costs of a VA work order from VA Internal Labor Time Entry.
After work is finished on the product, the internal process section can be completed from VA Internal Labor Time Entry. You cannot access a section once it is completed.