TWL user login and function security
TWL is part of standard Distribution SX.e. All TWL Web module users access TWL with their system operator credentials, and therefore, require a valid user ID, password, and company number.
To view the TWL Web module menus, operators must have the correct function security. Function security for TWL is set in SA Operator Setup. The function security can be granted for all TWL Web module functions, or limited to task-related functions. For example, for an operator that is receiving inventory into the warehouse, ensure that operator has access to the receiving functions. Or, if an operator is performing tasks primarily with the RF unit, access to the TWL Web module functions may not be required at all.
See Setting the TWL operator permissions.
For RF users, you must set up an additional employee ID and password in TWL Administration-RF Employee.
See TWL RF employees.
The TWL module, including Web and RF, uses the same password encryption as the system, matching the system in how passwords are stored, and user records are updated and validated.