Use these instructions to select IDM as the label generator on existing warehouse and printer
Select TWL Configuration > Warehouse.
Specify a TWL
warehouse, and then click Search.
Select the record, and then click Edit.
In Warehouse Parameters section, select EPP/IDM
Integration in the Labels field.
Click Save.
Select TWL Administration > Printer.
Specify a TWL
warehouse, and then click Search.
Select the record, and then click Edit.
Select IDM Label in the Label Printer Model field.
SX_Label_Templates is displayed in the IDM Document Type field. Leave this value if
you did not create custom label templates and save them to another document
If you created custom label templates, then specify
SX_Custom_Label_Templates or another document type
under which you saved the custom label templates.
You must specify the value from the Name field on
the document type record in IDM. Do not specify the value from the
Display Name field.