Transaction logs
Scripts are no longer used to activate the TWL module. The WL Location setting in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Location is used to activate the TWL warehouse in Product Warehouse Description Setup. Data communication between TWL and other modules is logged through WL Transaction Inquiry. The upload communication from TWL module requires three reports handling processing to facilitate locking, journal usage, and batches while other modules are updated within Distribution SX.e. These reports are the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report, the WL Entry Batch Adjust Inventory Report, and the WL Entry Batch Receiving Report
Transaction logs are created to trace issues in the system when data is transferred between TWL and other modules. The twlrcv.log is now a combination of what was previously twlrcvprint.log and twlrcvprint.err log. The logs are stored in the /reports/%TENANT%/logs/. To retrieve logs in the cloud, use SAPF to view, not email, a file name such as: /reports/%TENANT%/logs/twlrcv.log, and /reports/%TENANT%/logs/twlsend.log.