Creating a schedule for file retention

Use these instructions to adjust the schedule for files included for file retention. The retention period that is established in this task determines how long the files are retained in the log directory. File groupings include these groupings:

  • Auto Drop
  • Closed Cycle Counts
  • Cycle Count History
  • Inventory Discrepancies
  • Item History
  • Manifests
  • Orders
  • R/T [receipt transactions]
  • Transactions
  1. Select TWL Configuration > End of Day > File Retention.
  2. Click Search.
  3. In the grid, select a grouping.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Specify this information:
    Select this option to activate processing for this file grouping.
    Retention Period
    Specify a number value in conjunction with the Time Frame. For example, 6 Months or 2 Weeks.
    Time Frame

    Select a time frame. These values are valid:

    • Days
    • Weeks
    • Months
    • Years
    Last Updated
    Shows the last updated date for the retention period.
    Transaction User
    Shows the initials of the operator who last updated the retention period.
  6. Click Save.