About WL Administration Initialize Warehouse
WL Administration Initialize Warehouse is used to create the data communication files used to transfer the data from the system to TWL.
If the pre-live product information is released through the WL Administration Initialize Warehouse function, the TWL Configuration-Location master and TWL Configuration-Warehouse Zone master records are validated. Attach the correct bin locations to the TWL Configuration-Item master record in TWL after the record has been released.
After you generate WL Administration Initialize Warehouse, any changes to the record are transmitted to each active Product Warehouse Description Setup TWL location. However, if you remove a record in TWL, then you must remove the corresponding record in SA Table Code Value Setup because the information is not synchronized.
After TWL is live, maintain the location record from within TWL. The full case, split case, and counter bin locations are synchronized to the system through WL Entry Batch Processing Adjust Inventory.
If you are creating a large number of records, WL Transaction Inquiry may time out if you have not set limiting filters. The WL Transaction Summary Report provides a summary of all WL transaction records based on warehouse and date for the WL Transaction Inquiry record counts. When you review the report, you can then be more precise in your WL Transaction Inquiry advanced search filters. When you click in WL Initialize Warehouse Administration to begin initializing the warehouse, you are redirected to the WL Transaction Summary Report.