Required products

You must install and configure this software locally to print TWL labels in CloudSuite Distribution:

  • Enterprise Printing Platform or later

    You can download Enterprise Printing Platform from the Infor Product Download Center. An Infor license for Enterprise Printing Platform is required to perform the download.

    To install and use Enterprise Printing Platform, a license key is required. You can obtain a license key by requesting a software key on Infor Concierge. Each time you upgrade to a new version, you must request a new software key.

  • ION Enterprise Connector
  • Infor Distribution Cloud Connector service
  • Java 1.8 or later

    It must be installed on the same server where Infor Distribution Cloud Connector service is run.

    The JDK version is required for the Infor ION Enterprise Connector. The JRE version is required for the Infor Distribution Cloud Connector service.