Counter sale zone
A Counter Sale (CS) or point-of-sale (POS) order for a TWL warehouse is generally used in a cash and carry environment. A cash and carry environment is where a customer comes into the warehouse to purchase products at a counter area. These orders are released and dropped to the floor from Order Drop Manager or by an auto-drop routine.
In the workflow, payment for the items, or tendering, must be completed when your customer leaves the counter with inventory. After the customer selects items from your counter zone and brings them to the counter, you enter the CS and tender the order. Continue to process the order through your standard invoicing workflow to update the system.
For a location to be a counter sales primary pick, the location must be in a counter sale warehouse zone. A counter sale zone was set up on the TWL Configuration-Warehouse Zone master record when you implemented TWL. Only one counter sale zone exists per warehouse.