TWL stations
A station record is required to log into the TWL RF system. You must set up a TWL Administration-Station master record in TWL. You must also set up a similar key on each RF device, so that the key can be validated by TWL. Authentic and foreign RF devices attempting to access the system can be discerned by TWL. When a valid, recognized terminal sends a login code, the RF server then prompts TWL to determine if a valid Station master record is set up. If the Station master record is available, then the login window is displayed on the RF. After a login is established, a second record with your operator ID and time is sent to the Station master record.
Multiple printers and printer types can be supported on a network simultaneously. Each station type can have specific printers and label printers defined to direct the data to the correct printer. UNIX print queue names are required when printing is necessary. Each queue is set up on the network in advance and the printer type is redefined in the setup. If there is only one printer used by an RF device, then that printer can be specified on the Station master record.
To determine when a printer or RF device was last used, use the Station master record. The Station master record shows the last valid user and when the user was logged into TWL. For example, if an RF device has been lost or damaged, then you can determine the login ID by viewing the Station master record.