Customizing SCM labels

You can customize Shipping Container Marking (SCM) labels that are printed with the TWL RF using Enterprise Printing Platform. The correct setup and use of Enterprise Printing Platform label printing must be followed.

SCM labels can support this type of information:

  • Multiple products packed into a single container

    Enable this customization by creating your custom labels with the Enterprise Printing Platform modeling tool. Then, specify a prefix for the label file for a specific customer in WL SCM Label Prefix field in Customer Setup-General. Optionally, specify text to indicate multiple products in WL SCM Label Mixed Text field. The default value is MIXED, but you can modify this text to meet your requirements.

    When enabled, four new data fields are populated during the SCM label printing:

    • Product (xxordhdr.scm_prod)
    • Product Desc (xxordhdr.scm_desc)
    • Vendor UPC (xxordhdr.scm_upc)
    • Product Total Qty (xxordhdr.scm_qty)

    The fields populate, based on how many products are in the container. The 'xx' indicates the field is not found in the ordhdr table, but is related to the ordhdr data. When enabled, if you specify a customer in the SA Label Configuration Review Report options, the report shows the specific customized label names.

  • Transfer tied to a customer order

    Your label can show when the warehouse transfer is tied to a sales order number and if the sales order is a Rush order. The data field is named xxordhdr.wttierush_or_custpo. This field prints either the transfer-sales order tie number and the RUSH indicator, or the customer purchase order, if there is no tie. The format for this data field is: 999999999-99 RUSH. The 9s represent the tied sales order number and suffix. Typically, this information prints in the space where the purchase order number currently prints.