RT closure
After the receiving session has been completed, close the RT to initiate the communication to the system. Parameter 1011, Close RT Question, determines whether a message like this shows on the RF when receiving is complete: Close RT P000010100?
If you select No and notice entry errors, then you can change the unit of measure or quantity with the function on the .
Select Yes to close the RT and create the receiving synchronize to the system. After the communication has been successfully synchronized, run the WL Entry Batch Receiving Report to close the journal and run the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report.
Additionally, you can print the TWL Over/Short/Damaged Receipts Report automatically after the final RT is closed on your RF device. Parameter 7151 must be set to Yes to activate this functionality.
In TWL Inbound-Reports, the TWL Receipts Detail By RT Report lists this information:
- Expected date
- RT status
- Closed date
- Purchase order number
- Vendor ID and name
- Line and sequence number
- Item number
- Expected quantity
- Date received
- Received quantity
- Quantity remaining to be received
- Stock status by RT number
The total quantities that are received by purchase order number and RT number are also included on the report. Use the information to manage inventory receipts.
See Closing an RT.