Receiving by item number
This procedure consolidates similar items from multiple purchase orders. You can also run WL Receiving Exception/RT Close Report to close the RTs that are associated with the Truck ID.
- From the RF Main Menu, select Receiving.
- Specify or scan the Dock ID and press Enter.
- In the Receipt Inquiry screen, select Item Number.
- In the By field, select Item.
In the Receiving - Item
Number screen, specify or scan the Truck ID.
Each Truck ID must be unique, such as combining the carrier and date. Receipt lines can be grouped by Truck ID during the initial entry of this screen. The ID is also used for reporting and RT closure.
- In By, specify Item.
- In Item #, specify or scan the Item number. Optionally, specify an interchange number.
In Quantity, specify the total
quantity of the item that is being received. A list of open RTs is displayed for
the item entered.
If only one RT line includes the item, then the Line Item Receiving screen is displayed. If there is more than one possible line, a list of all open lines with the item is displayed. Parameter 6257, Item Receiving Sort, determines whether receipts are sorted by the purchase order number or by the quantity left to be received on the PO.
Scroll through the list and press Enter on the purchase order to receive.
To ensure that your records match the vendor’s invoice, you can select the PO, based on the vendor’s packing list.
- Count the items that were received.
- In the Line Item Receiving screen, specify the quantity received in the Qty field.
- In Direct Receipt, if you are performing a direct receipt [dock to stock], specify Yes. If you are not performing a direct receipt, specify No.
In Status, specify a status code, or
leave the field blank to indicate a regular receipt.
If the receipt contains more than one status type, for example, the receipt was partially damaged in transit, then multiple receipts must be performed. The put away process must route the different status types to different locations.
- In Pallet, scan the pallet ID or accept the system-assigned pallet and press Enter.
- In Labels?, specify Yes or No to indicate whether to print product labels.
- In Skid Full, if the pallet is full, specify Yes. If you are performing direct receiving, the field is automatically filled.
- If you are printing labels, specify the number of labels to print in How Many Labels?, and then specify a printer.
- Press Enter.
Optionally, add a note to the receipt. Press
Alt+A, and then perform these
- Specify the note in the Note Entry screen.
- Press Tab to indicate if the note is required or printed.
- Select OK.
Press Enter.
This table shows how you can proceed with this task:
If Then There is a remaining quantity to be received The list of POs on the Receipt By Item screen is displayed. Select the PO to receive. Repeat steps as required to receive the item. The entire quantity has been received Exit the Receipt by Item screen. The total quantity received equals or exceeds the quantity entered in the Receipt by Item screen The cursor is in the Item field and the browse is cleared. This placement indicates you can receive another item or exit the screen. The total quantity is less than the quantity entered The cursor stays in the browse area and you can select another RT to receive. - To exit the screen, press Enter on a blank line Item field.
Select Yes when Leave this screen? is
When you exit the Receipt by Item screen, you are disassociated from the truck receipt.