TWL Components

These integrated components create an interface between the modules and database, and enable you to share data and keep that data current:

  • Distribution SX.e
  • Warehouse Logistics (WL) module
  • TWL Web module in Distribution SX.e
  • TWL Radio Frequency (RF)
  • End-of-day (EOD) process
  • Database

Distribution SX.e

The financial data, static records, and the proprietary information of your organization are controlled by the Distribution SX.e system. Transactions occur throughout the business day. Those transactions that affect your warehouse pass data to TWL for processing.

Warehouse Logistics module

The Warehouse Logistics (WL) module includes functions for inquiry, entry, reports, and administration. The WL module setup is used to communicate to other extensions other than the TWL module, which is why WL module is separate from the TWL module.

A primary function in the module is the WL Transaction Inquiry. This function shows all data communication files that are passed between the modules and the system database. You can use the WL Transaction Inquiry to monitor, resubmit, or modify the status of some communications.


TWL is composed of the TWL Web module and TWL RF modules. These components control the warehousing tasks that directly affect inventory. Although timing differences inherently exist with record updates, correct use of the RF and TWL Web module ensures that all components are accurately updated.

TWL Web module

Warehouse managers use TWL Web module functions to schedule and direct tasks that are performed by the RF users. The information gathered by RF units updates the TWL Web module system immediately. Because every movement in the warehouse is recorded, several analysis and management reports are available and can be run from TWL Web module.

Access the TWL Web module from the Menu. Use this module to initially set up master records and system-wide parameters. Then, you can use this module to inquire on TWL records, generate TWL reports, and perform warehousing tasks. The TWL Web module functions are organized into these categories:

  • TWL Administration: Administration-related processes, such as managing RF employees, reviewing communication with other TWL modules, or managing functional setup.
  • TWL Configuration: Processes for managing the configuration of the warehouse, such as specific layout, locations, and the goods that are contained within them.
  • TWL Execution: Processing for maintaining the integrity of the inventory in your warehouse.
  • TWL Inbound: Processing specific storage and delivery of goods coming into a warehouse.
  • TWL Outbound: Processing specific to goods going out of the warehouse.

TWL Radio Frequency (RF)

The TWL Web module works in tandem with one or more RF units. The RF data communication unit consists of a keypad, screen, and scanner. For certain tasks that are performed with the RF, the TWL Web module works in the background to provide several edit checks that verify transactions for accuracy. The TWL Web module also directs movements to reduce wasted traveling, searching, and misdirection.

See TWL RF Shortcut Keys for a list of shortcut keys to expedite the time it takes to perform certain RF tasks.

If your company uses RF units for both TWL and Integrated Barcode in the cloud, a menu that allows you to select an interface might display when you first sign in to your RF unit. Select 1 to access the TWL interface.
Note: The menu is only available if your system administrator requested Infor to enable it.

End-of-day process

The End of Day (EOD) process is a background utility that maintains the age of data stored in the TWL files. EOD calculates inventory class by velocity, schedules cycle counts, cleans up system log files, clears any inventory discrepancies, and creates the product history files. Set up EOD to run on a daily basis.


The database contains schema and data for all modules.