Putting receipts away
From the RF Main Menu, select Material Handling > Stock Put Away.
Notice that a number of pallets are ready for put away; these are sorted by each available dock or stage location.
- Specify the Dock location.
- In the Material Handling-PutAway screen, press the Down Arrow to select one of the pallets from the browse.
- Scan the Pallet ID. You can also press the Down Arrow to access the browse screen that is displayed the products on the pallet.
If you have the security to sort put away records, press
S for sort, and
scan the pallet to put away.
That pallet is displayed as the first pallet on the browse. Additional line-item information is available when you use the Arrow keys to scroll to the right. You can also press F6 to view details.
Scan or specify the product you are putting away.
If another RF operator is putting the same line away, this message is displayed: Proceed with putaway? User XXX is currently putting away this line!
- Select Yes to allow multiple operators to put away the line item. Scan or specify the product number to ensure the correct product is put away.
If you accept the suggested location, proceed to the confirmation step. To
override the suggested location, specify or scan the location.
Note: Nonstock products show the value, ?NS ZN: #, as the location if an existing location containing the product does not exist. You can put the nonstock product in any location without verifying it.
- Select Yes to confirm the location override. The new location is displayed on the PutAway Confirmation screen.
Scan or specify the quantity you are putting away.
Fractional quantities are allowed. Optionally, you can specify a quantity that exceeds the location limit or the defined pallet quantity for the product. If so, a question is displayed for you to confirm the quantity variance. Based on parameters, location, and product dimensions, the quantity for the location is calculated by the TWL system logic.
- Rescan or re-enter the quantity. The Select Pallet screen is displayed. Pallet and case quantities can be expressed as decimals.
- Put the products in the designated location. When all products on the pallet have been put away, the pallet ID is available to be used in any other operation in the warehouse. If you leave the pallet in a location, then the pallet ID becomes associated with the location.
- Press F4 to end the session, or repeat steps as required to select another pallet to put away and continue putting away stock.