Finding open locations and pallets
Empty locations result from stock consolidations, picking, and stock movements. These locations can be used in the stock put away process.
- From the RF main menu, select System Inquiry > Open Locations.
If you are putting stock away in a designated zone, then specify
a warehouse zone and aisle that are suitable for storage.
A list of empty locations, within the parameters set by your TWL administrator, are displayed. Stock put away can be prohibited in certain zones.
If an alternative put-away location is required, press F10 to instantly access the Open Locations-System Inquiry screen to display a list of open locations.
If the amount of stock exceeds what your current put-away pallet can uphold and a reallocation of stock required, press Alt+M to instantly access the Stock Movements-Stock Put-Away screen. You can then move stock from the current put-away location to a larger put-away location. - To view all empty locations in the warehouse, press Enter through both fields.
Yes to view empty locations in all zones.
All empty locations including pallets, totes, carts, and bins are displayed.
- Use the Arrow keys to scroll through the list.
- When you are finished with your inquiry, press Cancel to return to the System Inquiry Main Menu.