Closing an open journal

The WL Entry Batch Receiving Report launches other functions that open journals; for example, Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. If a journal is not successfully closed, then you must manually close the journal in SA Journal Setup so that you can resume processing.

Note: Before proceeding with these steps, ensure that the journal has no postings and values are 0.
  1. In the system, select System Administrator > Setup > Journal.
  2. Click Advanced Search.
  3. Specify this information and then click Search:

    Specify POEI.


    Specify Open.

  4. In the grid, click the drill down icon to open a record.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. In the Required view, in the Flags section, select Closed.
  7. In the Confirmation window, click Yes.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat steps as required to close additional journals.

To ensure that the journal status is updated, run Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry-Final Update.

See the online Help for instructions.

Note: If you run the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report during the update, then indicate whether to run it in background.