Order shipping
If you are using an external shipping interface to ship TWL orders, you are not required to process the orders through the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report. This is true unless you are processing zero ship orders.
If you are using TWL to ship orders, then generate the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report. The shipping synchronizes with the system when a full order is ready for uploading, and the order is set to Shipped stage. The order header is updated with the shipped date, freight addons, and ship via.
When all lines on an order have a quantity shipped of zero, the order is converted to Stage 1 (Ordered). These orders are put on credit hold. The credit hold is based on the setting for the Approve Type for Zero Shipped Orders Placed on Hold option, in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options. An inventory out-of-balance condition occurs in the warehouse, and a cycle count is created. The cycle count gives the order the chance to be reprinted, downloaded, and fulfilled. An order may contain both zero shipped quantities and shipped quantities. If so, then the zero shipped quantities are moved to a back order to facilitate the filled line items.