Picking by case
Picking by case allows you to pick inventory for pick tasks that have been preassigned carton numbers. You can only use this picking method in a pick-to-pack warehouse. This may be useful when continuing a short pick as the remainder of a short pick can be assigned to the same carton that the original pick portion was packed in.
- From the RF Main Menu, select .
- Select .
- From the Order Picking - Pick Options menu, select .
- If you are using a truck, specify the pallet ID on the truck for this picking task. Otherwise, press Truck Pallet field. through the
- Scan or specify the carton ID or tracking ID to generate a list of open picks.
- Select an open pick record from the grid and press .
- Scan or specify the picking location, the item number, and the unit quantity picked.
- Scan or specify the carton ID to complete the picking process.
- To return to the Main menu, use the back button in the RF browser.