Shipping manifest
In TWL Outbound-Shipping-Shipping Manifest, if you are a TWL administrator, you can access an inquiry function. You cannot create, maintain, or delete shipping manifests in this function. Several methods are available for conducting searches and inquires, and for filtering results:
- Use the Search pane to filter for warehouse, manifest, and carrier. These fields are the primary fields for the shipping manifest data. You should know the manifest number to review or for what carrier the manifest was created.
- Use Advanced Search if, for example, you do not know the specifics, but might know something else about the manifest you are looking for. This search contains the same fields as the Search pane, and in addition, you can filter for the dock, trailer, and shipping date.
- For the Ship Date fields, you can specify the From and To dates. When the search is executed, a time of 0000 or midnight is added to the From date you specified. A time of 2359 is added to the To date, so that all manifests that are shipped on that day are included.
- You can drill down into a shipping manifest, review it, and then come back to the master grid where another shipping manifest can be selected.
- In the detail section, the manifest data is displayed, but is not editable.
- On the Packages grid, a PRO Number is a series of numbers used by carriers as a reference for freight movement. The term, PRO Number, is short for progressive number. This series of numbers is used as a tracking tool.