Manually updating the system with shipping information
The WL Entry Batch Shipping Report is usually set up as a stored report. However, the report can be run manually if orders must be processed before the next scheduled report time.
- Select Warehouse Logistics > Entry > WLE Reports > Entry Batch Shipping.
- Specify the report ranges. Specify a warehouse or order range to limit the qualifying orders. The warehouses are validated in Product Warehouse Description Setup.
Specify the report options.
In Order Entry Shipping
Process?, select Yes to pull all
the active orders that have been transmitted to the system using
The shipped quantity at the line and component levels, the serial/lot information, and totals to the order header are updated for active Sales Order Entry orders. This is similar to Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. If an error is found, the error can be monitored in the WL Transaction Inquiry function.
In Warehouse Transfer
Process?, select Yes to pull all
the active warehouse transfers that have been transmitted to the system
using TWL.
The shipped quantity at the line level and totals to the transfer header are updated for active transfers, similar to Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry. However, the transfer must be ship-verified in TWL to change the inventory quantity to reflect the shipment.
- In Value Add Shipping Process?, select Yes to pull all the active VA work orders that have been transmitted to the system using TWL.
- In Check for Locks Prior to Processing?, select Yes to have the system check for locked records before processing the qualifying transactions.
In Run OEERS on OE Non Stock
Lines?, select Yes. If the
quantity ordered on a nonstock line cannot be completely shipped and a
backorder does not already exist, a backorder is created. You can then
ship the quantity that is available and purchase the remaining quantity.
When the remaining quantity is received, the Sales Entry
Processing Back Order Fill Report allocates the receipt
to the correct order.
If the quantity on the tied PO is received short, then a backorder is created and Sales Shipping Feedback Split To Backorder Entry backorder processing does not occur. A note prints on the report if Sales Shipping Feedback Split To Backorder Entry cannot be processed because of a backorder on a PO.
In Order Entry Shipping
Process?, select Yes to pull all
the active orders that have been transmitted to the system using
Run the report.
A summary of the total products processed print if the corresponding option is selected. This information is provided:
- Journal
- Number of orders and lines that were processed
- Number of orders with errors
- Number of components that were processed
- Number of serial/lots that were processed
The function totals are by warehouse.
The report exceptions are listed by function, and the print interval exceptions are printed at the end of the report.