Remanufactured core products
Dirty core and remanufactured core products can be processed in TWL. The WL Entry Batch Shipping Report and theWL Entry Batch Receiving Report automatically update the implied core charge lines from the remanufactured item’s quantity. These reports also update the dirty core and remanufactured core product data in the system. The system cores data is updated in these areas:
- Product Adjust Core Master Entry
- Product Adjust Core Allocation Entry
- Internal cores transaction table (iceat)
- Cores vendor table (iceav)
The transaction and vendor tables, although not entry functions in the system, can be viewed in Product Core Inquiry, along with the master data and allocation data.
Line items for implied core charges from the order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer are not sent to TWL. This is because they are labor lines and are attached to the remanufactured core item’s quantity. Labor items are not processed by TWL and they are not part of the TWL Configuration-Item master record. Core items are not supported in Value Add; therefore, they do not flow through to TWL on a VA order. Lot-controlled core items are not supported in the system or TWL.