Sorting cartons

This procedure enables you to sort and consolidate cartons that have been packed by different pickers or picked at different times. The first carton you scan onto the pallet assigns the pallet a shipto destination. You are directed to a pallet that contains packed cartons with the same destination. This consolidates orders on pallets for inspection and shipping efficiencies.

Parameter 5253, Carton Sortation Verification, determines the level of verification required when you put a carton on a pallet. Parameter 5254, Carton Sortation Verification - Hard Stop, determines whether a warning message or hard stop is generated when the verification required is not met. These parameters affect your carton-sorting verification.

  1. From the RF Main Menu, select Packing.
  2. Select Carton Sortation.

    This screen shows the customer and ship-to location; or carrier, based on parameter 5253. The Customer field is blank for outgoing warehouse transfers, and the ShipTo warehouse is displayed.

    Parameter 5253 specifies one of these options:

    • No verification
    • Verify each order placed on the pallet is for the same carrier
    • Verify each order placed on the pallet is for the same ship-to address
    • Verify each order placed on the pallet is for the same carrier and ship-to address
  3. Scan the carton ID. Scroll to the right to view additional information on the browse.
  4. Scan the pallet ID on which you placed the carton. If you are creating a new shipping pallet, a question is displayed: We are creating a new pallet!
  5. Click OK to create a pallet for the customer or destination.

    Each time you scan a carton for the same customer, you are prompted with the pallet number for verification. Use this action to consolidate the original pick, any back orders as they are filled, and any additional orders for that customer.

  6. If parameter 4000, Delete Carton Sortation Pallets, is set to Yes, you can reuse the sortation pallet ID after the order has been shipped. The carton information is the only record retained in the system.
  7. Press Enter to clear the screen.
  8. Press F4 to exit.