Closing an open journal

The WL Entry Batch Shipping Report launches other functions that open journals. If a journal is not successfully closed, you must manually close the journal so that you can resume processing.

Because a journal has a direct effect on the General Ledger, use extreme caution when modifying this information.
  1. Select System Administrator > Setup > Journal.
  2. In the Search pane, specify the open journal number, or use Advanced Search to show the Function criteria.

    The WL Entry Batch Shipping Report is most likely the primary function. The function, Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry, that opened the journal, is the secondary function.

  3. In Function, specify WTES and click Search.
  4. In the grid, drill down the journal line.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. In Required, in the Flags section, select Closed.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Log out and log back into the system.
  9. Select Transfer > Entry > Shipping. The function that contains the open journal is automatically displayed.
  10. In the WT# field, specify the transfer number that corresponds to the journal listed on the message.

    If journals are open for Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, repeat these steps to close the Sales Shipping Feedback Entry journals.

  11. In Confirmation: Proceed with Final Update?, click Yes.
  12. Click Save. When you save, your journal is closed.