Counter sale
A Counter Sale (CS) or point-of-sale (POS) order for a TWL warehouse is generally used in a cash and carry environment. For example, a warehouse where a customer comes in to purchase products at a counter area. These orders are released to TWL and dropped to the floor from Order Drop Manager or by an auto-drop routine.
The workflow anticipates that your customer leaves the counter with their purchased items, so payment or tendering for the items must be completed. For example, the customer selects items from your counter zone and brings them to the counter. You enter a Counter Sale order, tender the order, and process the order through your standard invoicing workflow to update the system.
For a location to be a counter sales primary pick, the location must be in a counter sale warehouse zone. A counter sale zone was set up on the TWL Configuration-Warehouse Zone master record when you implemented TWL, and only one counter sale zone exists per warehouse.
See information about entering a counter sale in the online help.
The Warehouse Logistics Pick Type field is displayed for counter sale orders in Sales Order Entry when an order is entered for a live TWL warehouse. This field controls whether a line item is picked from the counter zone or the warehouse. This option is useful for large quantities that are not usually stocked in a counter zone.
You must add the Warehouse Logistics Pick Type field to Sales Order Entry. Use the Personalize feature. To add this field, open Sales Order Entry-Select Products. In the toolbar, select to access the Extended Fields.
If you retain the default for this field, the logic attempts to pick the line item from the counter zone, then the warehouse. If you select Counter for the Warehouse Logistics Pick Type field, the line item is automatically picked from the counter zone. If you select Warehouse for the Warehouse Logistics Pick Type field, a standard pick request is created and the line item is picked from the warehouse.
You cannot ship a Counter Sale order from a TWL warehouse in Sales Order Entry while the order is currently being picked. If you attempt to ship, the record is noted as locked and a message is displayed: This TWL Order Has RF Picks That Must Be Finished Before Shipping! (7131). The order cannot be shipped until the RF operator has finished picking and has released the order.
When the Warehouse Logistics Pick Type field is set at the kit component level, this setting overrides the line level setting. If the field is set at the line level, and the component level field is not set, the line level defaults to the component level.
Pick-to-tote warehouses do not have to pack a Counter Sale order because the customer leaves with the merchandise after the item(s) are picked. All Counter Sale class orders for pick-to-tote warehouses are treated as pick-to-pack orders. The carton ID defaults to expedite entry. To create fewer carton IDs, existing ones are used if the carton validation criteria is met.
You can edit line items for Counter Sale orders that are entered in the system for a TWL warehouse. Editing is allowed up until the point where the order is shipped. Any lines on the order that are not picked are zero shipped. This table shows the changes that are allowed:
Action | Description |
Add | You can add new lines to a Counter Sale order. The same rules initially used for the order dropping and bin selection are used for added lines. An order that is already packed is moved back to the in-pick stage and the new line item is added to the picking queue. The order header type is changed to indicate a POS change. Pickers must expedite the order because the order was reopened. |
Change Quantity | You can increase or decrease quantities on existing Counter Sale order lines. |
Change Item | You can change a product on an existing Counter Sale. The existing product is removed and the new product is added. |
Delete | An order that is being picked can be moved to packed stage when all open pick records are removed. The picked inventory is returned to the original location that the item was picked from. |
You can ship or close a Counter Sale order from Sales Order Entry. In Sales Order Entry-Initiate, from the toolbar select Order Entry Defaults-WL Counter Sales Shipping.
In the system, the Ship Fully Tendered SO Order option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is ignored for TWL warehouses.
Primary locations are specified on the TWL Configuration-Item master record. Each product can have a split case, full case, pallet, and counter sale primary location. The corresponding location master records determine the minimum and maximum quantities that are stored in the locations. A replenishment request is generated if the quantity on hand in the primary location is below the minimum quantity.
Parameter 2011, Counter Primary Replenishment, determines which locations are used to replenish the counter locations. You can either replenish the counter locations from non-primary locations in the warehouse or from any location including other primaries. Parameter 0008, FIFO or Size, determines which inventory to replenish inventory from. You may require that a primary location in the counter zone be topped off. You can use the replenishment function that is available from the Product Replenishment Setup function.
Suspending counter sale orders
You can be working on an order and be required to leave the order open to start another order. You can suspend the first CS (PO) order without being forced to tender the order before moving on to another order. These scenarios may occur:
- A customer places an order and must go to the car to get a checkbook. You can suspend the Counter Sale order and help the next person in line until the first customer returns.
- A counter person is not allowed to tender because a cashier has that responsibility. The counter person can enter and suspend the Counter Sale order. The cashier can then unsuspend the order and tender the CS.
- You print a pick ticket for a Counter Sale order. An authorization is required by the system to get back into the order and make changes. To avoid this, you can suspend the order in Sales Order Entry.
Unsuspending an order occurs automatically when you use change mode and recall the order number. If more than one suspended order exists in the system, press Order # field. You must be in change mode to view a list of suspended orders. You are prompted for initials; all orders suspended by that operator are displayed.
from theMessage | Conditions |
Order Is Suspended, Cannot Process (5950) | All of these conditions occur:
Order In Use By ... (5608) | All of these conditions occur: