Consolidating pick records

Pick records for a pick-to-pack warehouse must adhere to the carton validation rules, as specified in parameter 1060, Carton Validation, to be consolidated. Pick records for a pick-to-tote warehouse must adhere to the tote validation rules, as specified in parameter 1054, Tote Validation, to be consolidated.

  1. Select TWL Administration > System Parameters.
  2. In the Search pane, specify a TWL warehouse.
  3. In Parameter ID, specify 7007.
  4. In the grid, select the parameter and click the drill down icon.
  5. In Value, select Enabled: Default is No.

    When enabled, pick records are consolidated by waves, orders, or zones. The records must be for the same product, in the same bin, and have the same unit of measure.

  6. Click Save.

If an 'over pick' is performed during a consolidated picking process, the last updated pick quantity is increased to accept the over pick amount. A message is displayed on the RF notifying the operator that an over pick was performed and that the pick quantity is being increased.