Dropping a work order

  1. Select TWL Outbound > Order Management > Order Drop Manager.
  2. Click Advanced Search.
  3. Specify this information, and then click Search:

    Specify the TWL warehouse.

    If emergency orders exist, this message is displayed: Confirmation - There are emergency orders. would you like to view them now?. Click No.

    Order Class

    Select Work Order.

    You can also filter with the Order Type field, by selecting Assembly or Value Add, and with the Order Status field, by selecting Open.

  4. In the grid, select one or more qualifying orders, and click Drop.

    Prebuilt kit work order numbers begin with w. Value add work order numbers begin with f.

  5. In Select Printer, specify a printer, and click Next.

    The Select Printer page is prompted based on parameter 2025, Pick Ticket/Label Print, and 0025, Pick Ticket/Label Program, settings. If these parameters are enabled, the page is not displayed in the workflow. After you select the printer, you are not asked to select a printer during subsequent drops in the same Order Drop Manager session.

  6. In Drop Summary, optionally select the wave and click Assign Employees in the toolbar.
  7. In Assign Employees, select a work center employee, and click Submit.
  8. In Drop Summary, you can review what the order from these tabs:
    Note: A tab is displayed only if relevant data for that tab exists.
  9. When you are done reviewing orders, click OK.

The order remains in Open status, but assigned, until the order is picked.