Un-pick orders from Sales Order Entry
You can un-pick a sales order that has been picked in the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report, and exists in TWL, but has not been dropped. After you have un-picked an order, the order stage reverts from Picked to Ordered. Then, you can make revisions in Sales Order Entry.
When you un-pick an order, the stage is reset, and backorders are checked for. An audit history is kept of whether the order has been picked before. Shipped quantities are moved from Committed back to Reserved in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
If you add new lines to an un-picked order, the Ship Complete status is not checked on the new lines when the order is again released to TWL. The status is not required because the suffix is already picked and possibly, the back order was already created.
Conditions and back orders
This un-pick option is available in Sales Order Entry when these conditions are met:
- The warehouse must only be a live TWL warehouse; an ESB warehouse cannot be used.
- The order is a Stock Order (SO) and Blanket Release (BR).
- The status of the TWL order must be Open, Un-Dropped, or the order must not yet exist in TWL.
- The sales order must be stage 2 (Picked); the order cannot be in a Shipped, or beyond, stage.
If you un-pick an order in Sales Order Entry, the quantity of the order is retained on the order. For example, the quantity of what was in shipped quantity when the order was set to a picked stage in Sales Order Entry is retained.
To view the number of times an order has been picked, run the Sales Order Master List Report. In the Other Header Information section of the report, the # of Times Picked number records each un-pick. Typically, this number is low, but provides an audit trail and a venue for troubleshooting.
If part of an order contains a backorder, ensure the backorder meets these conditions:
- is in stage 1 (Ordered)
- is not tendered
- is not in use
- has a total quantity shipped of 0.00, meaning nothing has filled on the backorder
- has no new additional lines added
These messages notify you when these conditions are not met:
Message | Action |
Tendered Amt Must be Reversed on BO; Cannot Un-Pick Order (6874) | Untender the balance from Sales Order Entry-Collect Payment. |
Back Order in Use by Another Operator; Cannot Un-Pick Order (6875) | Contact other user. |
Qty Shipped on Back Order > 0; Cannot Un-Pick Order (6876) | Undo the backorder. |
Additional Lines Added to Back Order; Cannot Un-Pick Order (6877) | Undo the additional lines or let the additional lines be lost. |
Back Order Exists in Picked Stage or Greater; Cannot Un-Pick Order (6878) | Reset the stage to 00. |
If the conditions are met with no errors, then the backorder is deleted. Before deleting the backorder, because this is an un-pick, certain information is not validated. Whether the quantity or unit has been changed on a backorder is not validated; those changes are lost. Whether a bank has been set up is not validated and a message is displayed: Bank Not Set Up in Check Reconciliation – CRSB (4305). In addition, because this is an un-pick, these messages are not displayed: Manually Adjust SRO for Changes Made (6725), and The Tie(s) on the PO#/WT#/VA#/WO# Not Removed, Must Remove Manually (6032).