
An order exception exists when the system cannot complete an order because the order was skipped when the order was dropped. It cannot complete an order because the order is on hold, or because the order was zero picked. You should review exceptions frequently to ensure orders are filled and inventory corrections are made promptly. The Exceptions button is displayed in the Order Drop Manager toolbar. The button is only available when exceptions exist.

After you click Exceptions, you can use the Search pane to filter orders that are shown in the grid. Set the Exception Type to one of these options: Orders Skipped on Drop, Ship Complete Hold, Zero Picked Orders, or Staged Shipping.

Orders skipped on drop

When you drop an order from Order Drop Manager, and parameter 0020, Inventory Discrepancy, is set to Skip Order, then a Skip transaction is created. The order is not dropped. To handle skipped orders on a case-by-case basis, select the line and use the Drop or Zero Ship options. You can override parameter 0020, in the grid, in the Drop Discrepancy Handling column. Select an alternative handling to change how order manager processes lines on the order if a discrepancy with inventory is found.

The Drop Discrepancy Handling column is an improvement over previous functionality. That functionality forced orders to drop with a zero ship line instead of parameter 0020 in exception handling. This provides you with more control over what happens with the exception.

Ship complete hold

Ship Complete orders are put on hold if the lines are picked short. These orders are directed to Exceptions and filtered from further processing. To process the order, you can release the hold and continue picking the order. The order types show on the RF picking screens, so the pickers can handle the orders appropriately.

Note: To help locate the inventory required to fill the order, you can search the Inventory detail. Drill down an order to access TWL Order Exception Lines. Select a line, and click Inventory. The Inventory detail is displayed in the grid.

Zero picked orders

If a line item cannot be filled because stock cannot be found during picking, the line is zero picked. An order may be dropped and all lines on the order are zero picked because stock cannot be found for any of the line items. In this cases, the order is placed in Exceptions. If parameter 7002, Review Zero Ships, is set to Yes, you can review zero ships.

If all lines on the order are unpicked, the order can be undropped from Order Drop Manager. If you unpick the order on the RF, you are prompted to unpick the zero picked lines. Select Yes when prompted, and those lines can be picked again without undropping the order through Order Drop Manager. Any order that is completely zero picked is available for review in the TWL Order Exceptions page. You can re-drop the zero picked orders from the TWL Order Exceptions page.

Ship Complete lines that do not have inventory during order dropping are processed as if Parameter 20: Inventory Discrepancy is set to zero ship line. If a Ship Complete line is the only line on the order and it is a zero ship line, then the order is processed as a zero picked order.

Staged shipping

Staged shipping is more a shipping function than an order-drop function. This option is useful if your company has these scenarios:
  • uses its own fleet to deliver orders
  • stages orders to be transferred to a truck
  • makes changes or cancels a packed order at the last minute
You can use the RF to unpick the order and restock inventory without having to issue a return merchandise order and process the RM.

The Staged Shipping type in the TWL Order Exceptions page enables you to review the loaded orders, approve them, and create Ship records to update the system. You can ship individual orders or ship all selected orders. After the Ship records are synchronized, they can be picked up by the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report function to update records. Use the Outstanding Orders report to help you manage staged shipping.

Note: For Loaded or Staged orders that are shipped through the Staged Shipping exceptions, an active wave might get stranded due to an UnDropped order. For example, if the customer changed their mind. This condition is prevented by the system by enabling the wave record status to be complete. An order may be part of a wave is UnDropped. If all of the remaining orders that are assigned to that wave have been shipped, then the wave can be closed. The status is Complete. Waves assigned to work orders are correctly completed after all work orders for a wave have been created.

If you are integrating TWL with Infor Proof of Delivery (POD), you will use POD to manage order deliveries and capture customer signatures. Any order that is made available to POD must be assigned to a TWL-managed carrier. Any orders assigned to this TWL-managed carrier are automatically assigned to Loaded order status. An order with Loaded status is dropped in Order Drop Manager. Warehouse personnel, then, pick, pack, and performs a shipment verification. The Distribution SX.e system is updated and a Sync.Shipment BOD is published to ION. This BOD is available for POD to consume.

Orders with a Loaded status are isolated in the Order Drop Manager and can be viewed in the TWL Order Exceptions page. In this page, you can find the order and verify that the Order Status is Loaded. This status indicates that the order was sent to the POD application to continue with the order delivery. For orders not fully shipped and updated with POD, use Order Drop Manager-TWL Order Exceptions page to manually process the exception.

See the Infor Distribution SX.e Setup and Administration Guide for Total Warehouse Logistics for information about integrating TWL orders with Proof of Delivery.