Backorder creation
The backorders that are generated for orders created for TWL warehouses are controlled by the system. The Create OE Back Orders At Which Stage option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders controls when backorders are created for customer orders. Backorders can be created during Stage 1 (Ordered), Stage 2 (Picked), Stage 3 (Shipped), or Stage 4 (Invoiced).
To prevent timing issues with creating backorders, in live TWL warehouses, backorders are created during Stage 2 (Picked), regardless of the setting. All other warehouses on your system adhere to the assigned SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders setting.
See information about creating a split release in the online Help.
An exception to these settings is an override available for limited use from Product Warehouse Description Setup. This override enables you to create backorders at Stage 3 (Shipping) for individual warehouses with the Create Order Entry Back Orders At Stage option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders. Contact your application consultant before to using the override.
There may be active backorders for a TWL warehouse. If the quantity that could be shipped to the customer on one of the backorders is changed, the TWL order is placed on hold. This indicates an inventory discrepancy that requires an immediate correction, allowing you can research the problem.
For example, a customer places an order for product ABC with a quantity of 50. At the time the order is entered, 30 products are displayed as in stock and a backorder for 20 is created by the system. When the order is picked, only 25 could be found in the TWL warehouse. The order is picked short and packed. After the order is shipped in a shipping interface, 5 is added to the original backorder for a new backordered quantity of 25. This can be viewed in Sales Order Inquiry.
The code you specify for the Approve Type for Zero Shipped Orders Placed on Hold option in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options identifies zero-shipped orders. If that code is blank, the default hold code is z. To ship the backorder, locate the inventory discrepancy by performing a cycle count. Make the necessary stock adjustment in TWL to update the on-hand balance.
Change the Approval code on the order header in Sales Order Entry or Sales Shipping Feedback Entry to release the backorder. Then, change the Qty Ship field on the Extended view. Then, reprint the backorder to re-release the order to TWL. To avoid shipping the backorder with the new quantity, select the order number and suffix in Sales Order Entry. Then, access the header, and select .
Selecting Lost Business enables you to generate a sales report of the reasons the order was canceled. Select to delete all evidence of the order.