Order release
- Sales Order Entry
- Transfer Entry
- Purchase Order Entry
- KP Work Order Center Entry
- VA Order Entry
Sales orders
Sales orders are printed as pick tickets from Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report and Sales Order Entry. Pick tickets are documents printed for warehouse personnel. Personnel use pick tickets to know what products to pull from the shelves in the warehouse and stage them to be shipped. The pick ticket releases order information to TWL so the picking can be managed using the TWL module. Consider these points when managing orders:
- Rush orders are handled as emergency orders by TWL.
- Labor products are transmitted to TWL. These products are adjusted according to the Labor setting on the TWL Configuration-Item setup record in TWL.
- Line Direct Orders (DO) are not sent to TWL.
- The Sales Order Entry orders that are tied to Accumulative (AC) purchase orders are not released to TWL. The reason is because all products on the AC purchase order are obtained from a vendor, before being delivered to the customer.
- Printing pick tickets for Ship Complete orders can be delayed until the order is ready to be shipped. You may have set up the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report as a stored report for printing pick tickets. If so, ensure the option, Ship Complete Handling, is set to Pack. Then, pick tickets for Ship Complete orders only print when all receipts have been processed and the order is ready to be shipped.
- Ship Complete lines that do not have inventory during order dropping are processed as if Parameter 20: Inventory Discrepancy is set to Zero Ship Line. The order line is immediately shipped. If the Ship Complete line is the only line on the order, then the order is processed as shipped. Messages in Drop Summary indicate which Ship Complete lines and orders were not processed.
- Serial numbers may have been assigned when the order was entered. If so, the customer service representative should select only one serial number per line item for a successful TWL release. If more than one serial number is selected per line, the serial numbers do not go with the order to TWL. If one serial is selected per line, but only a partial quantity is assigned, the serial number is also not released. Serial numbers may not be correctly specified on the order. In that scenario, your RF operator can specify the serial numbers on the RF unit during receipt or picking. Then, the serial number is updated in the order when the system is synchronized.
- You can send Tag & Hold orders from Sales Order Entry to TWL to be picked, packed, and staged before all lines are complete. This enables you to complete those lines where inventory is available, without creating back orders for the unfilled lines. Additional picks are created for the remaining lines as inventory is allocated in TWL. In Order Drop Manager, the Order Type 'Hold' is displayed on all lines of a Tag & Hold order.
Vendor returns
When incoming stock is identified as unavailable for sale during the initial receiving process, a Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order is created. Use the RM PO to send the goods back to the vendor. Printing the Purchase Entry Processing Print POs Report or printing a Purchase Order Entry creates the purchase order header and line item information for communication to the TWL picking files. You must pick, pack, and ship the RM to the vendor. Because the RM is a purchase order, the RM is processed in the WL Entry Batch Receiving Report.
Warehouse transfers
Transfer release and picking is similar to the order picking. When shipping from a TWL warehouse, printing the Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report or printing a WT Transaction Entry creates data communication files to send the information to TWL for all line items.
The work order lists what components to pick. The KP Entry Print Work Orders Report releases the work order in the same manner as a sales order when printed. Parameter 2054, Prebuilt Kit Without Inventory, can be set to skip the order or zero ship the order. If a required component is not in stock in TWL, this parameter determines if a prebuilt kit drops to the floor. A required component cannot be deleted from the kit during entry if the Required option is selected in KP Component Setup.
The work order is released, but is given a temporary work-in-process status, and cannot be dropped in TWL. After all component lines are transmitted to TWL, the temporary status is lifted. Then, the work order shows in Order Drop Manager and can be dropped. The Order Drop Manager consolidates similar products for the same kit build department. The RF Staging screens include the kit build department to facilitate picking.
When the prebuilt kit is finished and a Receive process type is triggered, the actual quantities that were built are synchronized by TWL. This is processed by KP Work Order Center Entry-Accept. The Accept process is launched from the WL Entry Batch Receiving Report to update the database with the prebuilt kits that were built.
Build-on-demand kits are different from prebuilt kits. They are built from the components listed on an order, rather than assembled in a work center like prebuilt kits. Build-on-demand kits do not allow for partial components to be shipped and the rest of the build-on-demand components backordered. A parent shipped quantity of the build-on-demand considers all of the components of the line completed in full. If all components are not available, parameter 2053, BOD Kit With Required Component, can be set to skip the order or zero ship an order. If the parameter is set to Skip Order, the entire order is skipped and becomes an Order Skipped on Drop exception. If set to Zero Ship Kit, the build-on-demand kit line on the order is zero-shipped.
Typically, you would prefer to prevent Work Orders that have been staged from being undropped. However, parameter 0022, Work Center Picked Status, provides flexibility. This parameter enables you to choose whether in-process work orders for a kit can be undropped. The parameter is set to No to allow undrops. You must make inventory adjustments afterward. For example, if you undrop the order, the inventory is unavailable [stock status W] in a staged location and is not available for picking. The inventory may be the only inventory for the kit. In that scenario, you must remove the inventory from the staged location and place the item(s) back into inventory. Then, you must redrop and restage the order.
The parameter 0022 is set to Yes to prevent undrops. The staging of any inventory in a work center changes the status of all work orders in Order Drop Manager. The status is changed to Picked when the orders are in the same batch and consist of a component of the same item. This prevents unintentional un-dropping within the Order Drop Manager that could leave inventory in unavailable status.
For undropping in-process work orders, if you must undrop a specific kit order, you can set the work order back to Open. The order must be a kit and must be in the Picked stage. In TWL Outbound-Order Drop Manager, use the Search pane to specify criteria to search for a kit in Picked stage. Select the record. Click . Then select In Use To Open. Save the record.
Value-Add work orders
You can externally process a value-add (VA) product. Typically you are sending raw materials from your inventory to a service vendor. The service vendor provides the labor and equipment to build the product. The product is then sent back to you for sale or additional processing.
When inventory is available for a VA work order, the Inventory (IN) sections are released to TWL for picking and shipping to the vendor. The section number is combined with the work order number in TWL. For example, f000000202 is VA work order 2, section 2.
See Infor Distribution SX.e Total Warehouse Logistics User Guide for Receiving and Putting Away; and Infor Distribution SX.e Total Warehouse Logistics User Guide for Picking, Packing, Shipping, Kitting and Fabrication.