Consolidating stock

On the TWL RF, if you select and confirm an invalid location, a message is displayed: Location not available in location master. If you specify a location that is valid, but is the primary location for a different item, a message is displayed: Location is primary for Item#. In both cases, the location on the Stock Replenishment screen is cleared and the cursor is placed back in the Location field. This prevents you from trying to process or cancel an invalid location.

  1. From the RF Main Menu, select Material Handling.
  2. Select Stock Replenishment.
    The Item Consolidation option on the RF Material Handling menu is not the same as the Replenishment Consolidation option described here. Do not confuse the two functions; they perform different functions.
  3. Select 2 Step Build.
  4. In Load Cart Selection, scan or specify the name of the alternate location.
  5. Scan or specify the zone you are picking inventory from.
  6. Scan or specify the zone you are taking inventory to.
  7. Use the arrow keys to select a consolidation task and press Enter.
  8. In Load Cart Detail, consolidations are marked with C.
  9. Scan or specify the location you are removing inventory from.
  10. Scan or specify the product you are removing from the location.
  11. Scan or specify the pallet you are removing the product from.
  12. Specify the quantity.
  13. Scan or specify a pallet in the alternate location to place inventory in.
  14. Repeat steps as necessary to collect additional inventory for consolidation.
  15. Press F4 to return to the Material Handling-Replenishment menu.
  16. To release a consolidation pallet to be put away, select 2 Step Release.
  17. Scan or specify the name of the alternate location.
  18. In the list of pallets in the alternate location, use the arrow keys to select a consolidation pallet and press Enter to release the pallet.

    When you select a consolidation pallet [C], the entire inventory on the pallet is available to be put away. When you select a top-off pallet [T], a screen is displayed enabling you to put the top-off pallet away. Because you are topping off a location, the primary location is already known by TWL and a putaway location is not calculated.

  19. A question is displayed. Specify Yes to release the consolidation items for put away.
  20. Repeat steps as necessary to release additional consolidation pallets for put away.
  21. Press F4 to return to the Material Handling-Replenishment menu.